Be gentle with yourself.
Your physical, dense body is slowly shifting into a crystalline based Light body and this process requires an endless amount of Self-Love, trust and support.
A lot of things are going on lately, and if you are reading this right now, you were led here for a reason.
Maybe you needed a reminder to be more loving, compassionate, present, forgiving and patient with yourself.
It’s ok to just allow however it is that your mental, emotional and physical bodies feel right now.
There is no right or wrong way to be feel or be. And there is no singular tip that will be right for everyone.
This is why we need to try out different approaches while making sure that we are conscious of our breathing, that we are feeding ourselves nourishing food, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and that we are physically moving our bodies.
Physical movement is such an important component to help circulate all of this energy through our systems.
What are your favorite ways to implement more movement into your days?
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