The Art of Deconstructing the Illusion of Fear 6/13
Lesson 6 – The Art of Letting Go
Very often we believe that letting go of someone or something would mean that we would allow ourselves to forget about the impact they made on our life. Or then we believe that they would forget about the impact we made on their life. Or that letting them go would mean that part of our life that we held onto so dearly would no longer exist.
The challenge we have with letting go of something or someone very often stems from the limiting belief we have about who we are.
We identify our self-worth through the conscious or subconscious “power” that we think we have while holding onto someone or something.
Often, we identify that “having love” means needing to hold onto someone who loves us, or who used to love us. While all along with that approach we are avoiding to realize that Love is the very essence of who we are!
This is why here, in The Perennial Heart multiverse, we focus our approach on the importance of self-realization. Who you are is not who you think you are. If you have any need to control or hold onto someone or something, that means you have to work on realizing Your True Self.
Sometimes we convince ourselves that we are only trying to keep ourselves safe, and that’s why we are holding such a tight grip on things or people. Not realizing that by holding onto them so strongly, at the same time we are keeping some portions of our hearts equally strongly contracted.
So, in turn, we end up tightly contracting and closing our hearts at the same time while holding onto someone or something that we feel afraid to let go of because of the exact same fear that it will contract / close our hearts.
This is the Paradox of the illusion of possessing.
Whomever or whatever you think you can hold onto, it’s not yours to keep.
It truly is an art to be able to let go of that which doesn’t serve us anymore.
The art of facing the fear of letting go of the illusionary power over whatever or whomever that we’ve convinced ourselves it is that we need to keep control over.
How can we know it doesn’t serve us anymore?
Well, the fact that you want to “hold” onto something or someone means that it doesn’t serve the highest expression of your soul anymore. And that is simply because the essence of your existence is Freedom.
The idea of You, beautiful human, was conceived within the divine foreplay of unconditional love imbued with a unique expression of freedom.
An endless, unconditional stream of Loving Freedom is the life energy that is coursing through your veins. It is who You Are.
The core essence of the entirety of creation, of everything that you can see, perceive, feel, smell, palpate or sense in any way around you is Love.
Love in its origin is unconditional, free, untethered.
So, you see, Love is the very essence of your being.
Love is the blazing flame of Life that has brought you into existence.
You can’t practice love. You can’t control love. You can’t condition love. You can’t expect love. You can’t blame, victimize, beg for or manipulate Love. You can’t hold onto love.
You Are Love.
As long as you breathe, pure Love will never mean that you need to hold onto someone or something, which would at any point result in having trouble with letting it go.
The art of letting go is a bridge from where we are tamed and stuck inside of the fear to let go, towards the freedom of where we desire to be expressed as our most authentic version.
So if you notice that you are having trouble with letting go of something or someone, that is a perfect message right there for you, telling you clearly: you are not having a challenge with letting go, you are having a challenge with Knowing who you are.
And once when you finally realize that, you need to be very gentle with yourself. You need to meet yourself exactly where you are . You need to lovingly accept where you are, surrender to it and allow it. Then from there you will be able to love yourself into learning to let go whatever or whomever you need to let go of. You will learn to Love yourself into knowing that you are enough.
Every time when you notice that your need to hold onto something or someone, that is a nudge for you to investigate a little bit deeper into where this urge originates from? Can you follow the line of that little crack and see if it leads towards any kind of past hurt or illusionary future hurt within you?
What inside of you feels like it’s not enough? What inside of you never got the chance to be seen and accepted by you?
What hurt inside of you caused you to lose control and instead of recognizing and accepting it, you just patched it with something else that you now have hard time letting go of as well?.. Because letting go of it would mean suddenly taking that protective patch off, and that would equal allowing and feeling the Hurt.
The Hurt is not what you should fear or what should stop you from peeling back the layers and looking within.
Very often, the hurt is what will take you on a beautiful journey of realizing your true self. You just need to be able to sit with it for as long as it takes for you to dissolve it with Love.
So can you take a leap of faith, before and without knowing what and how it will happen, and just dive towards that hurt within your heart?
Can you just close your eyes, fall into the unknown and trust that life will catch you? That life will always support you?
Because, every single time when you decide to do that, you come closer to the Divine part of your expression. Every time you let go of something you’ve been holding onto, you embrace a new layer of your infinite freedom, of your unconditional loving existence.
You become more awake to the eternal seed of the Perennial Essence within Your Heart.
Check back for part 7/10 on The Art of Deconstructing the Illusion of Fear.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic! What are your biggest challenges with this lesson?
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Keep smiling and keep loving!
Forever in your service,
The Perennial Heart Team
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