The Art of Deconstructing the Illusion of Fear 7/10
Lesson 7 – The Gift of Making a Full Stop
When something that we are used to experiencing and having in our life is suddenly taken away, or if our routine or expected flow is interrupted for some reason, it can be very overwhelming and can cause a lot of inner conflict and contracting feelings.
One of the primary functions of the human brain, however, is to predict its environment. So it’s not surprise that this sudden change will cause turmoil.
Our brains make sense of the world by creating predictions about what should be experienced in any given situation, and then it updates these predictions depending on the demands in certain situation.
When the expected experience differs from what we are used to, our brain is unable to predict the immediately relevant future, and this is when we are stepping into the unknown and our brains go into high alert, believing that we are in imminent danger.
As we’ve all experienced in the past few months – many unpredictable things have happened very suddenly. Our entire sense of reality has changed and no matter where we were and what we were doing, we all needed to simply stop.
This became a very big and serious challenge for those of us who have never really taken any time to stop before.
We use so many excuses to prevent ourselves from stopping and separating from everything to allow ourselves to simply just Be.
We are always somehow either too busy or too tired. Or we are not ready yet. Or we are too busy with being too busy.
We are just running around, competing with becoming the version of ourselves that very often society has brainwashed us to believe that we needed to become. Unsuccessfully competing with never having enough time, with not being able to do everything we “need” to do, with not being able to see all the people we want to see, to get done all the things we need to do..
We just run around aimlessly, never allowing ourselves to really stop. So many of us are not comfortable at all with the idea of slowing down, let alone stopping.
We are so terrified to rest, to reflect, to be silent, to be alone, to breathe.
There are too many excuses for why we never dare to stop! But the truth is: if you never dare to stop, how can you know who You Truly Are behind that whole would of hurrying, being busy and wearing all the fake masks we show to the world?
And the even bigger truth is: if you never dare to stop, how will we ever have the space to reflect on what exactly it is that you are running away from constantly?
What is it that is so uncomfortable for you within the Silence of your own being? What are you afraid of? What are you unaligned with?
You could receive so many beautiful answers if you would only dare to ask some of these question. So maybe consider looking at this time as a perfect opportunity to do exactly that – explore the blessing of who You are!
Experiencing the honour of making a full stop gives us the opportunity to acknowledge and fully EXPERIENCE the magic of Life! Allowing us to experience the gift of what it means to be truly alive, and to not just be living on auto-pilot or to be purely surviving through this lifetime.
So, isn’t it just beautiful that we’ve all now got a chance to make that full stop?
Check back for part 8/10 on The Art of Deconstructing the Illusion of Fear.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic! What are your biggest challenges with this lesson?
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Keep smiling and keep loving!
Forever in your service,
The Perennial Heart Team
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