The Art of Deconstructing the Illusion of Fear 8/10
Lesson 8 – The Art of Releasing Resistance
Every situation can be experienced in many different ways, depending on our filters and perceptions or how skilled are we in choosing the way we want to perceive it.
Every single time we experience resistance towards a certain situation, person or experience, it results in us feeling bad or contracted inside.
In order to release resistance, we need to be aware that we are holding on to it in the first place.
Resistance blocks the flow of love and trust through our lives.
By feeding into resistance, we are taking away our birth right to feel the flow of excitement and joy that is afforded to each and every one of us.
Resistance is a reflection of every limiting belief and every negative emotion that we have.
This doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing if we have limiting beliefs or negative emotions; It only means that we should work on becoming more aware of them and not resisting them.
Embrace whatever it is that wants to be felt through the expression of your heart, allow and acknowledge every emotion that comes through, feel it for what it is, and don’t try to ignore or push it away. If you notice your own limiting beliefs, be proud of yourself for holding so much loving space to be able to see them. Because only then you are able to do something about them.
As long as we know how to release resistance towards certain contracting thoughts, ideas, people or situations, and perceive it in a different way, we will be able to allow the flow of feeling better.
We should try to lovingly remind ourselves that anything that happens to us, can be perceived in any way we want!
Based on social conditioning, we automatically assign certain meaning to certain situations, and so very often we feel contracted because we are resistant to what is, rather than trying to see it from a different perspective. When we open ourselves up to seeing things in a new light, we can receive and perceive the gifts of gratitude and learning that occurs in everything that life brings our way.
To be able to give new meaning to things, situations or people, we need to be able to soften our beliefs, to bend our perceptions and to stop resisting what is. The best way to learn how to enjoy what is, is to dive a little bit deeper into the endless beauty of the Now Moment.
To dive further into that topic, check out one of our previous blog posts, Lesson 4 – The Importance of the Now Moment.
Check back for part 9/10 on The Art of Deconstructing the Illusion of Fear.
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Keep smiling and keep loving!
Forever in your service,
The Perennial Heart Team
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